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Skin Care Review: bio-pacific Eye Contour Gel

by Joumana


the eye gel contour is bio made, no chemicals makes the eyes feel cooler and firmer

i have not noticed any drawback yet

Hi everyone, I am 43 years old, and haven't paid much attention to my skin in my youth, I have a slightly oily skin, which i had discovered recently, as the dermatologist told me!! I only started in my thirties to use creams, and i tried so many, it just didn't seem to make much difference, if not cause rashes or increase the oil on my skin, until i discovered bio-pacific, austalian made and they have agents everywhere in the world, easily found on their website the Eye contour Gel is especially great, for use in all weather, morning and evening, i feel so wonderful after using it, and only after few days of first use, i could see the difference in reducing eye fine lines, and i am now trying to remember if i had any wrinkles around the eyes, my daughters used to tell me I was started to look older with lines around my eyes, and now i can't find those lines!! even when i laugh they are reduced. Also, am a smoker, so i was starting to have some wrinkles around my lips, very fine but they would show, and that is the great thing about this product, it is also for use around the lip area, and it is great!! I am feeling much younger and my skin is so much firmer around the eyes and mouth!! i have a plan on buying the whole range of their skin product. it is great. I love it, and what is really amazing, is that the Eye contour Gel, comes in big size unline other eye cream products, so there is no need to worry about it finishing soon, and i use it quite a lot, 3 times a day even sometimes, not because i need to, but because i just love it and love the cooling feeling of Aloe Vera around my eyes and lips, isn't enough that it feels tighter? and looks younger? regards, Joumana

I recommend to everyone to try this bio-pacific eye contour gel, great for eye and lips

Price (paid by reviewer)

Where to find it
Bin Sina laser clinic/London


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