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Self-Improvement Tip: Crying - Powerful stress buster and healer

submitted by Lynn, Denver, CO USA

Stress is one of the biggest culprits in aging, and it's especially problematic in our hectic society that allows little room for reflection or feelings. One thing that's helped me more than anything else is taking some time regularly to cry things out. It may sound too simple, but this is the most calming, transformative stress buster I have found. Not only do tears cleanse out many negative feelings, allowing a new perspective towards stressful life events, but they are now known to release endorphins, your body's feel good / pain killer chemicals. This is why it's so common for people to start laughing at the end of a good cry -- the body is giving you what you need to cope.

Taking the time for crying regularly has cleared up years of constant sinus infections, allowed me the perspective to make major life changes, and helped me to find some release and serenity. Problems that seemed insurmountable became reasonable after letting go of the emotions surrounding them by crying. All of this equals a life with much less stress, which makes for less wear and tear on the body.

So, next time you feel like crying, honor yourself by taking the time to do it. You'll feel much better. And if you feel like blowing a gasket, sit down with those feelings for a few minutes. Often anger, depression, and frustration will clear themselves in a wash of tears. It's free, it can't hurt you, and it can make a huge difference in how you look and feel!


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