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Skin Care Tip: Cheap pore and oily skin mix

submitted by dru, CA

Tip description / details:
Large pores and OILY skin treatment using generic store brands. Use any generic brand of salicylic acid 2%(toner) with any texture St. Ives face scrub/store brand face scrub. By adding the toner to the scrub, you effectively will exfoliate with deep cleansing action for your pores. Skin type dictates frequency of use and amounts of toner to add, so use minute amounts of salicylic acid (about 2 ml for example) mixed in the scrub.

Any generic, store brand or trade name astringent/toner composed of 2% Salicyclic acid solution. 8 oz bottle for $5.00 or less. St. Ives scrub, but you can use any generic or store brand here too. Cost is about the same as the toner.

How to prepare:
Mix toner with scrub or use separately. If you mix (I used this method), use a minute amount of salicylic acid: 2-2.5 ml or about the size of a quarter cupped in your hand. Then just add the normal amount of scrub and carefully mix in your palm before applying. I'm lucky with big hands, but you can mix some ahead of the time or even use a damp wash cloth to apply. Just use a little bit more of the toner to compensate if you use the washcloth.

How to use:
Dictated by prep method or personal preference.

Results (observed by submitter):
In high stress times with little sleep when we all generally get more break outs and more oily skin, I had smaller pores and considerably less oil. Almost never any break out if I use this at night and use a face soap in the morning for the day.

Costs involved:
less than $10.00


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