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Longevity In a Pill Infopack

If you want to look and feel beautiful well into middle age and beyond, simply taking good care of your skin won't suffice - no matter how sophisticated and expensive your beauty program may be. Skin is not a stand-alone entity: it is an integral part of your body and is profoundly affected by your general health and vitality. Therefore, slowing down your body's overall rate of aging is critical for preserving youthful appearance.

It is common knowledge that a lifestyle conducive to long and healthy life should include regular exercise, maintaining optimal body weight, stress reduction, a varied wholesome diet with abundance of fruits and vegetables, and a positive emotional outlook. Yet many people keep asking whether drugs and/or supplements can also have an impact on longevity. Some say that ideal lifestyle is unattainable in real life and they need more practicable options. Others want to extend their lifespan beyond what a healthy lifestyle alone can provide -- perhaps even long enough to see future anti-aging breakthroughs arrive via genetic engineering, stem cell research and nanotechnology.

So, here comes a question: Can drugs/supplements slow down our aging and extend human lifespan? For an extended answer, we recommend starting with our introductory article on drugs and lifespan. But the jist of it is the following. In theory, drugs can extend human lifespan. In practice, no agent has yet been definitively proven to do so in human clinical trials. The good news is that a handful of agents (some natural, others synthetic) appear very promising based on their established ability to extend lifespan in animals and/or reduce morbidity/mortality in humans. Chances are, some of these precious few will be established as true longevity drugs capable of slowing down the aging process and extending lifespan in humans.

To provide you with in depth information, we prepared the Longevity In a Pill Infopack. We discuss each of the potential longevity drugs/supplements, including benefits, risks, known uses, likely mechanism of anti-aging effects, current state of research and more. We also place each such agent in a wider context of modern anti-aging science, separating credible evidence from hype and wishful thinking.

You can get a free copy of Longevity In a Pill Infopack by contributing to our partner site,, a short rating report on any prescription medication you have ever taken or administered (we are collecting a database of drug effects and reactions). To submit a drug rating, click here.

If you do not wish to contribute a drug rating or have never taken any prescription medications, you can purchase Longevity In a Pill Infopack online (the cost is $10). To buy, click on PayPal button below. click PayPal button below. After ordering, make sure to follow the link from PayPal back to to be able to view the download page.

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