You are here: Skin & Nutrition
Some people think that nutrition is far less important to the skin than how much you pay your plastic surgeon. Conversely, others believe nutrition makes all the difference in the world, and if you "eat right", you'll stay forever young. Food supplement and vitamin companies sell "skin pills" that are supposed to miraculously rejuvenate you skin from inside in a couple of weeks. This section of SmartSkinCare.com in intended to help you sort out all these questions.
Does nutrition make a difference in skin rejuvenation?
What diet is best for your skin?
Skin and blood sugar. Is there a connection?
Vitamins, minerals and skin rejuvenation
Conditionally essential nutrients in skin rejuvenation
Antioxidant nutrients and skin protection
Vitamin E reborn: how to correctly use tocopherols and tocotrienols for skin and health.
Can silicon enhance your beauty naturally?
Curcumin may spice up your regimen for disease prevention, longevity and healthy skin.
Diet and wrinkles connection: What does research say?
Xylitol: Can a sugar be good for your skin?
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